Friday, November 14, 2014

Holiday Success Plan

Holiday Success Plan:

I know, I know its only November the 14th... You know why we are chatting about this now? Because we are going to stay ahead of the pitfall! Walk through any grocery store or department store now through to the new year and the amount of junk food is tenfold. No wait, more, onehundredfold!

Am I suggesting we go through Christmas without a single goodie? Absolutely not! I am suggesting we plan ahead and not get sucked into the biggest weight gaining time of the year. Ever notice that in those same department stores on January 1st all those boxes of chocolates are replaced with fitness equipment and gimmick pills! :( And the cycle continues....

This holiday season I went up ten pounds

I didn't have time to workout

What I'm proposing is that you plan ahead. Fill your plate with greens at the buffet table, be the official veggie tray gal this season-this way you KNOW there's at least one healthy option at the family potluck.

I am planning on going into the new year stronger than ever, not starting over and I want that for you too.
Lets chat a few tricks.
Fruit trays are never a miss.
Add that with a little dark chocolate dip (plenty of healthier versions out there) and its sure to please even the pickiest company!
Trade a serving of fruit for a serving of red wine this holiday season.
There are ways of having a little something somethin' without blowing it.
Keep tracking your meals over the holidays.
It is SOOOOOoooOOOO easy to miscalculate what you've already eaten if you aren't tracking.

-I am going to be making many homemade meals that are healthier versions.
-I am going to track my food.
-I am going to get my workouts in, all besides my planned days off-Christmas eve, Christmas day and boxing day and possibly New years day.
-I am going to give presents instead of junk food.
-I am focused on family, health and giving instead of junk food.
-My treat choices will be limited and I will track them.


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Not my monkey!

I have a dear friend of mine often says "Not my monkey, not my circus" or maybe its the other way around. Anyway its about not taking on other peoples crap. Even if they try to dump it on you. Shrug it off.

Lately I have been seeing, hearing and private messaged about how my being a Beachbody coach is a negative thing. Saying things like how it kind of goes against the healthy message I am trying to promote. I have done a great job of shrugging it off but it got me thinking.. Beachbody compliments my business and not that I am defending myself but I thought maybe I would share why I love it so much;

Almost two years ago I learned about a challenge group that was starting up. I was doing schoolwork to become a trainer, had my house on the market, the kids were busy, hubby was out of town lots and my favourite gym had closed. I signed myself up for the T25 challenge and for 10 weeks +4 gamma weeks I worked my tail off. The accountability of the group when I was so busy in my own life was huge. It is hard work. It isn't a gimmick diet, its sweat your ass off and stay away from junk and get shit done. Serious business! I also started drinking Shakeology. It is a meal replacement but more than that it is a sweets crutch for me without going overboard on crap!

I enjoyed it so much I became a coach! I've done a few challenge groups and I love coaching people online. Being a Beachbody coach doesn't make you a certified personal trainer (although I am one) it makes you an accountability leader of your group. The trainer is the instructor on the DVD. You make a percentage of sales just like any other sales job except at this gig you get to help others and hear success stories and be inspired daily!

Beachbody has connected me to people who needed motivation but couldn't come to my studio and needed another option. It is an addition to my business. Do I think Shakeology is a miracle cure for obesity? No. Are there pushy sales people? Yes there sure are, just like any other business. I am not one of them. I am not about pushing products, I love shakeo and it has purposes in my life so I share my fav things! The workouts through Beachbody are no joke and anyone who says they try to sell a quick fix hasn't tried T25 gamma speed 3.0 LOL. Hard work. Not surprisingly tho, almost everyone who's questioned me in a negative light has been a competitor.

Oh and I've also heard in a negative light that I charge too little for my services. Really? I understand that many trainers charge more hourly than I do but I am working from my home studio so my cost is lower. I don't think I am undervaluing myself. I am providing excellent service for a reasonable price. Helping others is my passion and I make a reasonable living but I am not out to get rich. I also have a max class size of 6. Ever been to a class with 25 peeps crammed in? The trainer is doing well and the classes may be fun but from a safety standpoint its a major no no for me. However, this is MY choice and they have theirs. Just thought I would clarify a few of the "whys" I have ran into lately :)

One more point, the fact that I am a trainer who has lost a bunch of weight isn't "just" what makes me qualified. I have the education but given that I have succeeded at long-term weight loss through proper nutrition and exercise and that I have never taken the short cuts to healthy living is something that IS an asset to me in regards to helping my clients. I am not sorry for my story, it has brought me to this wickedly-awesome-life!

Every single day I answer questions from people looking for help and I have never not answered and encouraged. For free. That is who I will unapologetically continue to be. "Not my monkeys, not my circus."
