Thursday, August 20, 2015

Get outside comfortable

Taking it to the next level

Good. Better. Best.

Nobody starts out a pro. We start from where we are, learn and improve. I started living healthier at a very unhealthy end of the spectrum. I had to start slow. Walking was a hard core workout for me. My back ached. My shins hurt. My breathing sucked (I was pushing 400lbs and I was a smoker). When walking got easy I power walked. Then I added in a gym membership at snap fitness (I love love loved it there). I had no idea what to be doing so I hired a personal trainer to teach me a few routines. I was a stay at home mom with a limited budget so I cut out Starbucks and stuck to my shopping list getting only needs to make it happen. My body felt like it had been ran over those first few weeks of workouts lol. You know where you almost cry walking stairs and you feel bad for the railing that has to work so hard haha. When those routines got easy I signed myself up for Bosu ball classes 3x a week. Later I took TRX classes..Then kettlebells..Then kickboxing and a then a boot camp. I kept learning and pushing my body somewhere new. Eventually I found a great gym with fitness classes and I stayed there until it closed down and then I started my own fitness studio.

When I started exercise I could not plank from my knees! I had to plank and push up from a wall for a few months until I gained strength. Then I started doing them from my knees and finally I now do them from my toes. I started with walking, then powerwalking and now I am running long distances.

This is NOT a blog just about me, its about you and your journey. Are you pushing yourself hard enough to your next level? Have you been doing push ups from your knees for a long time? Try one from your toes! In order to keep continuously improving we have to keep pushing past our comfort zone.

If you have not been getting optimal results its probably a combination of needing to kick it up a notch and getting right with your food. Are you eating packaged foods? Those are laden with chemicals, additives, sodium, fat, sugar..crap! Again, Good. Better. Best. Start by eliminating all processed and prepackaged foods. Basically junk food. If you have been eating a diet with processed food just taking those out is a great first step and will likely get you on a good start towards your goal. When you have been eating generally healthy now but hit a plateau, you will want to look into your portions. Are you eating too many grains and not enough protein? Are you measuring? Getting real with eating mostly vegetables, a moderate amount of protein, healthy fats and smaller portions of carbs and fruit. The veggie to fruit ratio for fat loss is 5:1.

And let me tell you I have learned from experience, YOU CANNOT OUT TRAIN A BAD DIET!!!

It is estimated that weight loss is approximately 80% diet and 20% exercise. So you can lose weight by just eating healthy but you wont get optimal results and its almost impossible to eat crappy and just rely on exercise. Unless you are excessive with exercise but you still wouldn't achieve optimal health.

Believe you are worth the effort and step up your game!
