Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The top things my most successful clients have in common;

1. They are real with me and themselves.

Heard time and time again; "I just don't know why I am not getting where I need to be?" 
My reply,"Are you tracking your food? Keeping your treats to the limit we set? Are you following my advice?" 
Answers; "No but, some of the time or its too hard", Those are all responses my most successful clients rarely if ever say!

*In order to be staying overweight you are taking in enough calories to keep you there. Whether you are eating once a day and drinking the rest of the calories in coffee cream and sugar. In my experience (and of course assuming there is no medical conditions), when people track their food for the first time it is enlightening to see how exactly the calories do add up. This was certainly the case for me when I started making healthy choices. 
**When fat loss is slow people always think the answer is cardio. I assure you my most successful clients do a mix of cardio and resistance but the answer to the problem is usually in the PANTRY!

2. They show up on the bad days.

Anybody can do it on a good day. I have clients who show up on the awful days; pms, layoffs, relationship issues, a crappy day at parenting, dealt with a customer who is part satan, ... You get the idea.

I have had clients who are injured training other body parts, I have consulted with doctors when clients are post surgery, clients who are almost in tears walking in but feel better by the end of hour. They are called ENDORPHINS people! :) 

3. They set goals.

This is why I host challenge groups. Its like goal setting but with accountability. Writing out our goals and telling others can be a very motivating tool. With a challenge group it is like a built in cheer team. They are all rooting for you. 

Others create a vision board, write it out in their journal or post their workouts/meals online. I kind of alternate between all of these. I also have a before picture that makes its way to the front of my fridge from time to time when I need to tighten the nutritional reigns. 

Visualize, meditate... Whatever works for you. If there's one biggest lesson I have learned in my short coaching career it is that no two people are alike and we all function differently and are motivated differently.

4. They keep progressing and pushing harder. 

Okay, this is a big one! How long have you been planking from your knees? Try from your toes. Same with push ups. How about weights? Been using 15 lbs and they are getting lighter? Up your game. Grab the heavy weights. Challenge yourself. You should not be stopping unless you NEED to.Push yourself. Not past the point where you're going to pass out or create injury but do NOT get COMFY either!!! Ladies, the notion you are going to turn into the hulk is bogus.

When I started exercise, I could not plank or push up from my feet OR my knees, I had to do it from a wall. I worked up from my knees and now I am working on getting those push ups lower from my toes ( I had them mastered before a surgery, but anywho). You feel me? The next time you think you can push harder, heavier, faster or whatever the case may be you need to progress -do it. 

5. They rarely if ever use excuses.

Showing up on the bad days, being consistent, not allowing the excuse voice in your brain to win. Each time you keep promises to yourself you're building your willpower- motivation. Think of it like a muscle, the more you feed it with excuses the weaker it is, adversely, the more you exercise it the stronger it gets. 

Time and money are the two biggest excuses I hear about why people do not eat healthy and exercise. We are for certain a scheduled society so write your fitness into your schedule and make it happen! it is an excuse. There are people busier than you, working harder than me and they still get it in. Time away from kids is not valid- take the kids with you or consider it self care. I honestly save money eating healthy because I eat out less. You can buy in season produce or frozen to save money. Where there is a will there is a way. I quit smoking on my health journey and that alone provided me with extra money to invest into my health instead of against it! I have also cleaned the gym in exchange for personal training and membership. Yup, scrubbed dirty filthy toilets the kids used in exchange for torture lol. 

"Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right!"