Friday, February 27, 2015

Quick fixes

There are no quick fixes to long term health!


So as many of you know, I am not new on the healthy lifestyle train. I have been here for awhile. Over seven years actually. I am getting stronger every day. I am down officially 200lbs now. I am a different person, I see things differently, I feel things differently and the lessons I have learned are a huge resource to me. I am thankful for my slow healthy loss because I have really learned a lot about health along the way. If I fast-tracked-to-success-on-the-magic-train I would not have learned those lessons. And I would not be set up for the long term.

I am going to share with you a few stories about the people I have met who have achieved long term success and some of those who haven't and hopefully there will be a lesson in there and also serve as a reminder to myself ;)

About four years ago, a friend of mine came to me and wanted to learn what I was doing to achieve weight loss. I showed her what I eat and invited her to my gym at the time. She came and for the first time in my life I saw someone show up to the gym and not try. I have seen people not try and stay home but never someone come to exercise and every second exercise I showed that person they decided they couldn't do it. Even though I had a modified version. Not. Even. Try. Fast forward and that overweight person went from overweight to morbidly obese and still trying the quick way out.

Hard work is a tough sell when so many companies out there are selling the dream of a easy way to weight loss. You may temporarily lose weight but it will only be the number on the scale and not permanent healthy lifestyle changes. If you are restricting those calories to the extremes, you are totally messing with you entire body. Your metabolic system specifically is compromised.

Another story that's sad but relatable is a few years ago, (some of my workout peeps will remember this because it really messed with my brain) a friend of mine went on a very restrictive diet and lost a bunch of weight very quickly. Now, although I know that's not healthy and most often not sustainable, I really hit a messed up mental space. I was caught by my trainer doubling up on my workouts, and cutting down on my calories AND stepping on the scale every other day. I had forgotten to focus on my own journey of becoming the best me and got caught up on someone else's path. Fast forward a few years and I am finally at average fat percentage but unfortunately that friend whose picture on the beach nearly completely messed with my brain has regained a bulk of that initial weight loss. I was happy for her-please don't think I wasn't, it wasn't about her, it was about me seeing a quicker way and wanting to fast forward. I now see my healthy lifestyle without an end date. This is it, I want to continuously improve and always live in a healthy way.

My two fav health peeps have both lost weight slow and steadily also and they have taken on the healthy lifestyle. Its not about perfection its about gradual improvements in a sustainable way. They encourage me and I them. If you ever feel alone on your journey reach out to me. I know the struggles. I have felt what you're feeling! Stay strong!XO




Every time you eat you are either fighting disease or feeding it!
At a ______ I attended regularly they all knew my story. Knew my struggles. Every time there was a volunteer luncheon the food was junk food. Like pizza or other fried foods. That was the thank you for volunteering. I would just leave without eating. Every weekly meeting (in the morning) there were muffins, cookies, crap. Several ladies told me I was obsessed with exercise. I am not. I do not like burpees. I do them because they make me stronger and I want to treat my body as a temple. There is temptation everywhere. I am not saying that a treat isn't acceptable. I am saying there should be an option B and every single function shouldn't be an excuse to break out the junkfood. Even the spaces that seem like they should be the safest sometimes aren't.

Sometimes loved ones unknowingly or perhaps subconsciously are saboteurs in our daily lives. Offering this or that "innocently", I don't blame them.

Know this, when you start a new health plan, just because you made changes in your life doesn't mean others will follow. You may be a reminder of what they aren't doing. They may want you to fail or at least trip you up.

This all seems negative. Here's the positive. You'll feel better eating healthy foods and fueling your body with the right nutrients it requires to run optimally. I just don't want you to be discouraged when peeps you thought would support you don't. You'll have a new fitness and health support system. If you think you don't really have one that's not true- you have me.

#StayStrong #noexcuses

Monday, February 9, 2015



I am pretty sure peeps can relate to having a constant inner dialogue. Mostly mine is happy, positive and upbeat. Sometimes though, like today, I am consumed with the need of the world. Ever feel like no matter how much good you do its still not enough?

I try to give of myself at least weekly. Whether financially or just giving my time. I hear of a good cause and I want to help.

The economy with the price of oil right now is a little scary. My husband is definitely our main income (and also the reason why I am able to help as much) and right now things are really unsure. I am a very positive person and have a lot of faith. When one door closes one door opens.

I know a lot of peeps who don't have that positivity right now. Its hard for them to be positive when they are jobless. I just want to fix everything. I cannot. At what point do we let other peoples struggles go? Say a prayer and not obsess. This is where I struggle.

I will say that it is hard for me to take a family vacation when there are children going without food. Why should I go to _____ for week and lay on the beach if that money could be spent on feeding someone who is hungry. I wonder if this is a disorder?
I see a need and cant let it go.

I had a panic attack when buying a new home. There are people who are homeless and here I am worrying about getting a bigger home. It hardly seems fair. I seriously had to justify it to myself by telling myself that I would have a business that could help people too. When I bought a new car it was only because I was getting stuck in my old one. I have very little value on material things. Some of my richest friends have hardly any money. I don't care whether you are a doctor or a garbage truck driver. I care if you have a good heart! 

I used to always donate privately. I once shared with my friends and family that I knew of a family in need and saw that it could be more helpful to share. I was a little shocked to hear that someone I had called a friend said I was "bragging" about helping others. I hope no one ever thinks that. I will continue to do whatever I can whether privately or publically. If I think it could help to share a story I will.

Those are my inner ramblings for today. Are you ever consumed with others needs? How do you handle it?

From the Heart of,