Thursday, July 9, 2015

Beautiful is not a size


I am overwhelmed lately with the amount of negativity towards thin, fat, old, young, tall, short. Geez, I understand well how it feels to stand out for being larger than everyone else...
My "Before"

One of my best lessons through my health journey has been meeting fit peeps from all different backgrounds. One thing we ALL have in common is we all struggle with something.

I stuck out because I was xxxxl! I knew I was fat, nobody was helping me by telling me. Nobody needed to scream it from their window when I was walking and trying to better myself either...

I have quite a few friends who are thin. I was shocked one night when we went out that someone made the comment to one friend "go eat a hamburger".... Like how did that person think that was a nice thing or acceptable thing to say??? The person saying it did struggle on the opposite end of the spectrum... Why must we pin fat against thin? That is a STUPID thing to do!

A girlfriend of mine is trying to gain lean mass and is working very hard at it. She has been told she is getting too manly by "friends". Geepers its pissing me off that we cant all just support one another. Can we not just see the people for who they are? She is working very hard, is the healthiest I have seen her, why do we need to be mean?

real women have meat on her bones
you need to lose weight
you need to gain weight
you need to stop exercising so much
you are obsessed


I know its easier to relate to what we know. Don't judge people on their looks alone... Can we not see one another for our genuine character? 

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