Wednesday, January 27, 2016



When I started on my health journey I had already tried and failed many diet plans. Slim fast, weight watchers, atkins, cabbage soup, ETC. I am only stopping because I am forgetful, there were many more. They didn't work for me a) because I wasn't fully committed at the time,b) because they weren't really teaching me anything except restriction, c) I can only last so long feeling restricted and d) I didn't learn how to make it work for my entire family.

Eight years ago, I started LA Weight loss and I had success. My mind was made up and I was beyond ready to start feeling good again. What I liked about their program is it didn't tell me what food to eat it told me which food groups to choose from. This was the first time I did a program that I had to do the work. I learned painfully lol through yucky meals how to cook healthy foods. I also got myself measuring cups and started measuring. I still use my half cup for starches, my scale for protein and my tbsp. for peanut butter.

This is not a L.A Weight loss endorsement. I learned the basics with them. I lost my first 120lbs using their weigh in support and food guide.

For a while I tried coaching with Beachbody. I liked it. I don't like using supplementation so it became a conflict of the heart to sell it even though I do love their workout programs. FYI, those little containers from 21 day fix is pretty much EXACTLY the same system I used at LA. My program is similar with my own tweaking specific to each client. I use what I have learned to work with many of my own modifications. After studying anatomy I later studied nutrition and learned even more about our body and nutrition.

You may find a program that gives you fast results but buyer beware; If you're losing more than 2 lbs a week studies show you aren't just losing fat, you are losing muscle too. That is
NOT what we are going for with health goals. Health is more than a number on a scale. If you are losing weight rapidly without eating properly it will likely catch up. If your diet program suggests that carrots are too high sugar, find a new program!

If you are drinking plenty of water, eating lean protein, lots of vegetables and some complex carbs, throughout the day, you are set. What I offer is support to go with your plan and that is where I feel I differ from most. My clients contact me for extra support all the time. It is the accountability that many peeps need. Nothing makes me more excited than helping others learn to cook healthy and having them text me healthy recipes!

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." Hippocrates

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